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From Old Arcade Games to Modern Online Casino Games

Video gaming technology has come a long way, and if you didn’t know that, we’re curious to know how many acres wide and how many stories tall the rock your living under is.

From the 8-bit games to the stunning realism of modern consoles, the quality of graphics, animation, and sound effects have a fascinating timeline, and many still prefer the old classics to the newest of the new (NES's Stadium Events, anyone?). It’s hard to argue with walking through a Boston wasteland and killing feral ghouls, or feeling like you’re actually dunking a basketball, but still, the old arcade classics hold a near and dear place in our hearts, and the hearts of many others. Be still my dripping single tear.

But one of the more interesting aspects of the gaming world is online gambling, because, like with video gaming, the evolution of realistic graphics and smooth animation has been similar to the more standard video gaming market.

The whole basis of getting gamblers to go onto their computers or mobile devices instead of traveling to the nearest brick-and-mortar casino starts and ends with the realism of the games on offer. If you’re just putting money in and it tells you how much you won or lost, that takes so much of the fun out of it. The online gambling industry would be all but non-existent. Instead, it’s a multibillion dollar industry, and that’s because of the evolution that it has taken has made the prospect of playing online near identical to the prospect of actually traveling to place bets. In fact, brick-and-mortar casinos are only competing against casinos close to them (if there even are any), whereas online casinos are competing against thousands of other options. This means that the return to player winnings is almost always higher at an online casino than at their physical counterpart.

The first online casino was in the early 1990s and was started by Microgaming, a software company that’s still an industry leader today. However, it was still very niche at that point. It wasn’t until really, in my opinion, 2013 or '14 that online gambling truly reached its socially acceptable peak, bringing in players from all over the world and, for the first time, players that had never even gambled at a physical online casino. The dawn of the online casino had arrived.

The casino games from the 1990s certainly weren't anything to scoff at, just as regular video games were nothing to scoff at in the 1970s and ‘80s. Balls spun around the Roulette wheel, cards were flipped in Blackjack, and the reels of the Slot machines spun. But my God, if you look at the options now, it really is completely immersive. The stunning quality rivals even the newest of regular video games, and you can do it all from your computer or mobile device. To the avid gamer, this is border lining on a dangerous prospect. Spending too much money collecting games is one thing, but online gambling can be risky. Make sure you play within your budget, and never gamble more than you are completely willing to lose, because chances are, you will lose it. The casino has at least a slight advantage over the player on every single game. That’s how they make their money, after all, and they make a lot of it.

But as long as you’re smart about it and visit expert review sites that direct you toward the best places to place bets online as a Norsk casino player, it can be a lot of fun. If you’re already great at video games, who’s to say you won’t be great at games that can win you money too?

Going to the arcade versus staying at home and playing video games went from a debate to a non-existent conversation, where the vast majority of gamers now would never, or would very rarely go to an arcade, and instead prefer gaming from home, even playing the arcade classics we all love from home. There are those of us with the passion to hit up the arcade still, leaving our systems behind, and we don’t see the death of arcades ever coming to fruition, nor do we see land-based casinos going anywhere. There’s just too much old-school love and passion.

However, what we are seeing is more and more people every day getting into playing video games, recognizing the practice as a means to staying entertained, relaxed, and keeping their brain sharp. Once people start to realize how playing online casino games is virtually (pun intended) the same as playing at a real-life casino, going to a physical casino may be in the same niche vein as playing at a real-life arcade.

There’s one commonality that will never change with playing casino games or video games no matter where you are playing them: The object should be having fun. If you’re not enjoying it, you’re doing it wrong.


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