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TV Challenger Series 2000 [Model TVC-2000]

Dedicated Console published 48 years ago by Superlectron

Not listed in MAME yet

TV Challenger Series 2000 © 1976 Superlectron

Played three basic Pong games: Tennis, Hole in the Wall, and Holes in the Walls.

Except Tennis, the other two games feature a rare and interesting wobble effect where both players oscillate a little bit to increase the difficulty. Although the Hole in the Wall game play is obvious (put the ball in the hole), Holes in the Walls is different. The first wall has a partial hole and the second wall has a normal hole.

Tennis: The classic game without on-screen scoring.

Hole in the Wall: A classic variant played by analog systems. The hole oscillates up and down (wobble), which increases the game difficulty.

Holes in the Walls: A rare variant where both holes wobble. Both players are transformed into a wall with a hole at the place of their paddle.


Model TVC-2000

Another very uncommon feature of this system is the scoring. The system case has two rows of numbers used for marking the scores using two plastic chips (one blue and one red).