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Fish Disk #0432: Conquest

Commodore Amiga 500 disk published 33 years ago by Fish, Fred

Not listed in MAME yet

Fish Disk #0432 © 1991 Fish, Fred

APalAsm A Programmable Array Logic (PAL) program based on an
old MMI Fortran IV program from the 'PAL Handbook'
Second Edition and Third Edition by MMI. This Version
(1.00) is completely rewritten for Fortran 77. The
outputs produced are sent to separate files instead of
the screen. There are plenty of example PAL files to
test, inspect, or just to learn what PAL's are all
about. The Fortran source is included with the
instructions to compile using AC/Fortran version 2.3.
Author: Bob Metzler

Badger Reminder program for your startup-sequence. Badger will
open a window and display any important events that are
'due'. Badger will not bother you if there is nothing
to report. Events are entered via menu and prompts.
This is version 2.01e, an update to the version on disk
365, and includes many new features. Shareware, binary
only. Author: George Kerber

Conquest Lore of Conquest is a war game similar in concept to
the board game Risk. You are the lord of an entire
world, destined to rule the galaxy. Some worlds are
virgin fruits, ready for you to colonize. Some worlds
have natives who do not wish to accept your rule, these
you must conquer for they will yield more valuable
resources. As you claim the galaxy you will find, you
are not the only one extending your dominion. This is a
two-player game, so be prepared to defend yourself and
take what is yours! Version 1.2, binary only,
shareware. Author: Michael Bryant

FifoDev FIFO: is like PIPE: but is based on fifo.library rather
than its own implementation. Fifo.library is a general
fifo library implementation that supports named fifos,
writing to a fifo from a hardware exception, multiple
readers on a fifo with each getting the same data
stream, efficient reading, and automatic or manual flow
control. Programs that require non-blocking IO can
access one side of a FIFO: connection via the
fifo.library instead of the FIFO: device. Includes some
source. Author: Matt Dillon

Reader A program to scan a word list to locate which words can
be made from the letters given. Allows matching of
words by length and by giving the letters known, ie.
m.t.h for the word MATCH. Great for word games and
crosswords. Results output to screen and a RAM: based
file. The word list is in ascii and so can be edited if
desired. New words can be added and it could be used
for different languages if required. Supplied with over
24,200 words (mostly English spellings). Version 1.0,
includes source. Author: Gary Brittain

SBackup Programmers utility to assist in maintaining old
versions of source code. SBackup maintains 2-99 old
versions in any location desired. Version 1.00e, binary
only. Author: George Kerber

TMonth TMonth will execute any program the first time it's
executed each month. Very useful, for example, to
execute the ATOM-CLOCK program to set your clock each
month. Version 1.0f, binary only. Author: George Kerber

Whence Whence will locate any program/file in your current
path. Similar to the the UNIX whence command. Version
1.0, binary only. Author: George Kerber


PD's disk.