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List of sound playables on this page (50 files):

01 credit.vgz
02 beginning of the history.vgz
03 challenger 1985 (stage 1 bgm).vgz
04 beat back (stage 2 bgm).vgz
05 blank mask (stage 3 bgm).vgz
06 free flyer (stage 4 bgm).vgz
07 mazed music (stage 5 bgm).vgz
08 mechanical globule (stage 6 bgm).vgz
09 final attack (stage 7 bgm).vgz
10 aircraft carrier (boss).vgz
11 game over.vgz
12 historic soldier (ranking).vgz
13 credit.vgz
14 power of anger (stage 1 bgm).vgz
15 fly high (stage 2 bgm).vgz
16 planet ratis (stage 3 bgm).vgz
17 starfield (stage 4 bgm).vgz
18 burn the wind (stage 5 bgm).vgz
19 destroy them all (stage 6 bgm).vgz
20 aircraft carrier (gradius boss bgm).vgz
21 poison of snake (boss bgm).vgz
22 peace again (ending).vgz
23 crystal forever (game over).vgz
24 prelude of legend (title demo).vgz
25 invitation (select).vgz
26 departure for space (air battle 1).vgz
27 sand storm (stage 1 bgm).vgz
28 aqua illusion (stage 2 bgm).vgz
29 in the wind (stage 3 bgm 1).vgz
30 a long time ago (stage 3 hidden bgm).vgz
31 underground (stage 3 bgm 2).vgz
32 dark force (boss).vgz
33 congratulations (beginner ending).vgz
34 high speed dimension (stage 4 bgm).vgz
35 try to star (air battle 2).vgz
36 easter stone (stage 5 bgm).vgz
37 dead end cell (stage 6 bgm).vgz
38 fire scramble (stage 7 bgm).vgz
39 cosmo plant (stage 8 bgm).vgz
40 crystal labyrinth (stage 9 bgm).vgz
41 mechanical base (stage 10 bgm 1).vgz
42 final shot (stage 10 bgm 2).vgz
43 escape to the freedom (high speed escape).vgz
44 return to the star (ending).vgz
45 game over.vgz
46 king of kings (ranking).vgz
47 a fighter (boss).vgz
48 take care (boss).vgz
49 fighter blood (boss).vgz
50 departure for space (air battle 1, no intro).vgz