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The Sky's the Limit [Model PR6905]

ROM information for this Fruit Machine.
Here you can see exact dump's name, size CRC, SHA1 and region.

Set(s) list:
 info: sc4stl
Information last updated on April 08, 2024.
Set's name: "sc4stl"
MAME's description: The Sky's The Limit (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 1)

ROM name="95400445.lo" size="524288" crc="b68e7c56" sha1="cdeae27d53cbfb97d64905a77d59fe5fbd8becf1" region="maincpu"
ROM name="95400446.hi" size="524288" crc="33aa01e7" sha1="dcdffcb29c151429e28206661196c73109fe125c" region="maincpu"
ROM name="sk_t_lim.sn1" size="524288" crc="1b88bf7d" sha1="76a8453fd2f8375030f69a3a569b45daceb3e4f7" status="baddump" region="ymz"
ROM name="sk_t_lim.sn2" size="524288" crc="b3ecf658" sha1="bf4ce85a3662df6dacfa42e3b4f9dfd6bba43b24" status="baddump" region="ymz"
 info: sc4stla
Information last updated on April 08, 2024.
Set's name: "sc4stla"
Parent set: cloneof="sc4stl" / romof="sc4stl"
MAME's description: The Sky's The Limit (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 2)

ROM name="95400455.lo" size="524288" crc="70f5318e" sha1="46100f779da2248f2e2c9b6606a0443b7f635878" region="maincpu"
ROM name="95400456.hi" size="524288" crc="7186ec69" sha1="a60018b482285eaba50d786de54733294cbb74ff" region="maincpu"
ROM name="sk_t_lim.sn1" no differences from the parent set.
ROM name="sk_t_lim.sn2" no differences from the parent set.
 info: sc4stlb
Information last updated on April 08, 2024.
Set's name: "sc4stlb"
Parent set: cloneof="sc4stl" / romof="sc4stl"
MAME's description: The Sky's The Limit (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 3)

ROM name="95400727.lo" size="524288" crc="4de69e56" sha1="12aec2759ea240c4bd40696c633af29b4d9d4102" region="maincpu"
ROM name="95400728.hi" size="524288" crc="30d7c59c" sha1="970dedcb5b701d8b9e5ead869c890b7a85edd760" region="maincpu"
ROM name="sk_t_lim.sn1" no differences from the parent set.
ROM name="sk_t_lim.sn2" no differences from the parent set.
 info: sc4stlc
Information last updated on April 08, 2024.
Set's name: "sc4stlc"
Parent set: cloneof="sc4stl" / romof="sc4stl"
MAME's description: The Sky's The Limit (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 4)

ROM name="95400729.lo" size="524288" crc="a75e26af" sha1="af0e402f1827046dee34cbce5176be818751da51" region="maincpu"
ROM name="95400730.hi" size="524288" crc="c6b400c8" sha1="f72cce91496068750adb574e70844c5fb41abf17" region="maincpu"
ROM name="sk_t_lim.sn1" no differences from the parent set.
ROM name="sk_t_lim.sn2" no differences from the parent set.
 info: sc4stld
Information last updated on April 08, 2024.
Set's name: "sc4stld"
Parent set: cloneof="sc4stl" / romof="sc4stl"
MAME's description: The Sky's The Limit (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 5)

ROM name="95401445.lo" size="524288" crc="1aaa8b8c" sha1="fde14888b76f7f24b66dfbfb1cb771825f15a4a7" region="maincpu"
ROM name="95401446.hi" size="524288" crc="05a591fb" sha1="30857a7de58d83578e81e120488bf328c85b883d" region="maincpu"
ROM name="sk_t_lim.sn1" no differences from the parent set.
ROM name="sk_t_lim.sn2" no differences from the parent set.
 info: sc4stle
Information last updated on April 08, 2024.
Set's name: "sc4stle"
Parent set: cloneof="sc4stl" / romof="sc4stl"
MAME's description: The Sky's The Limit (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 6)

ROM name="95401455.lo" size="524288" crc="05c4e4d0" sha1="03d7c0721b90e533c00d50225d8554c7dd7c5708" region="maincpu"
ROM name="95401456.hi" size="524288" crc="99af831d" sha1="7fb6eaa3c218050965822a2dec31b27858526fc9" region="maincpu"
ROM name="sk_t_lim.sn1" no differences from the parent set.
ROM name="sk_t_lim.sn2" no differences from the parent set.
 info: sc4stlf
Information last updated on April 08, 2024.
Set's name: "sc4stlf"
Parent set: cloneof="sc4stl" / romof="sc4stl"
MAME's description: The Sky's The Limit (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 7)

ROM name="95401727.lo" size="524288" crc="c3041a35" sha1="c552a626daf350c176e82276db94baca8e552844" region="maincpu"
ROM name="95401728.hi" size="524288" crc="53118ccd" sha1="8ba68b954a78fbf1ccd9a6666c6ba9375a90cb6b" region="maincpu"
ROM name="sk_t_lim.sn1" no differences from the parent set.
ROM name="sk_t_lim.sn2" no differences from the parent set.
 info: sc4stlg
Information last updated on April 08, 2024.
Set's name: "sc4stlg"
Parent set: cloneof="sc4stl" / romof="sc4stl"
MAME's description: The Sky's The Limit (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 8)

ROM name="95401729.lo" size="524288" crc="6d7eab9c" sha1="6b06511271c634e98466f5d02d653af63154fed4" region="maincpu"
ROM name="95401730.hi" size="524288" crc="e98eab26" sha1="b40796400c0f2283f405a997e4c23a5f9dc77be1" region="maincpu"
ROM name="sk_t_lim.sn1" no differences from the parent set.
ROM name="sk_t_lim.sn2" no differences from the parent set.

No ROM files, Disk. or CD images are hosted on this website.