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List of sound playables on this page (32 files):

01 opening theme.vgz
02 password.vgz
03 character selection.vgz
04 intro scene.vgz
05 map.vgz
06 act 1-1 - shrine grounds.vgz
07 act 1-2 - the shrine.vgz
08 act 1 boss.vgz
09 act clear.vgz
10 act 2-1 - prison.vgz
11 act 2-2 - reservoir.vgz
12 act 3-1 - pyramid.vgz
13 act 3-2 - tomb.vgz
14 act 3~5~6 boss.vgz
15 act 4 - the wicked flame.vgz
16 act 6-1 - dark minions.vgz
17 act 6-2 - monsters inside.vgz
18 act 6-3 - a fight with an ally.vgz
19 act 6-4 - pray for victory.vgz
20 act 7-1 - nightmare castle.vgz
21 act 7 boss.vgz
22 act 7-2 - dungeon room.vgz
23 act 8 - the full moon.vgz
24 castomira - sorceress.vgz
25 castomira - dragon.vgz
26 castomira - demon.vgz
27 castomira - defeated.vgz
28 credits theme.vgz
29 unused ending music.vgz
30 got item fanfare.vgz
31 game over.vgz
32 continue.vgz