ADAM Agenda
ROM information for this Coleco Adam disk.
Here you can see exact dump's name, size CRC, SHA1 and region.Set(s) list:
adam_flop: agenda
Information last updated on November 06, 2020.Set's name: "agenda"
MAME's description: ADAM Agenda - The Personal Schedule Keeper
ROM name="adam agenda - the personal schedule keeper (198x) (jeff harris).dsk" size="163840" crc="1171f150" sha1="15c68da88f42829a04298364f25b7280a413a04d"
adam_flop: agendaa
Information last updated on November 06, 2020.Set's name: "agendaa"
Parent set: cloneof="agenda"
MAME's description: ADAM Agenda - The Personal Schedule Keeper (Alt)
ROM name="adam agenda - the personal schedule keeper (198x) (jeff harris) [a1].dsk" size="163840" crc="057fd444" sha1="21b76438a43a4e19a1b996789f2073cf25654a19"
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