List of sound playables on this page (62 files):
01 neo-geo opening theme (adk version).vgz
02 we are the adk! (adk logo).vgz
03 canon of evil no. 2 (opening).vgz
04 march no. 2 (how to play).vgz
05 what is your choice_ (player select).vgz
06 make one appearance! (jo jingle).vgz
07 levy fight! (jo demo).vgz
08 spirit (jo main).vgz
09 man of spirit (joe critical).vgz
10 march no. 1 (clear).vgz
11 win_ or lose... (win, lose demo).vgz
12 yangtze poem (lee jingle).vgz
13 lee enters (lee demo).vgz
14 the man who sells danger (lee main).vgz
15 symphony no. 1 (lee critical).vgz
16 the severe man (sheen jingle).vgz
17 be seized with fear (sheen demo).vgz
18 winners (sheen main).vgz
19 your life is in danger (sheen critical).vgz
20 ups and downs (kisarah jingle).vgz
21 im chocked with a thousand emotions (kisarah demo).vgz
22 enlightenment (kisarah main).vgz
23 as long as one lives (kisarah critical).vgz
24 fuuma village poem (fuuma jingle).vgz
25 fuuma enters (fuuma demo).vgz
26 rule of fuuma (fuuma main).vgz
27 rule of fuuma 2 (fuuma critical).vgz
28 hold up! (bobby jingle).vgz
29 free dancing (bobby demo).vgz
30 take it easy (bobby main).vgz
31 now what do i do_ (bobby critical).vgz
32 black panther poem (leonhalt jingle).vgz
33 leonhalt enters (leonhalt demo).vgz
34 epitaph in desert storm (leonhalt main).vgz
35 epitaph in desert storm 2 (leonhalt critical).vgz
36 hey! (go jingle).vgz
37 come right here!! (go demo).vgz
38 a night of love and noise (go main).vgz
39 burn, stupid man (go critical).vgz
40 a preposterous art 1 (jo, leonhalt crazy death blow).vgz
41 a preposterous art 2 (lee, sheen, fuuma crazy death blow).vgz
42 a preposterous art 3 (kisarah, bobby, go crazy death blow).vgz
43 long night in summer (jo ending).vgz
44 hurricane (lee ending).vgz
45 chance! (sheen ending).vgz
46 endless dream (kisarah ending).vgz
47 stranger (fuuma ending).vgz
48 dance tonight (bobby ending).vgz
49 lost your heart (leonhalt ending).vgz
50 dear friend (go ending).vgz
51 eternal intoxication (continue).vgz
52 my fight is done (game over).vgz
53 march no. 3 (ranking).vgz
54 long night in summer (jo ending, short edit).vgz
55 hurricane (lee ending, short edit).vgz
56 endless dream (kisarah ending, short edit).vgz
57 stranger (fuuma ending, short edit).vgz
58 dance tonight (bobby ending, short edit).vgz
59 lost your heart (leonhalt ending, short edit).vgz
60 unused bgm 1.vgz
61 unused bgm 2.vgz
62 unused bgm 3.vgz