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System 15000 - 2nd Edition

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System 15000 - 2nd Edition, the Acorn BBC Micro B cass.. In Arcade-History/Gaming-History website. Retrieved April 28, 2024, from

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"System 15000 - 2nd Edition, the Acorn BBC Micro B cass."., April 28, 2024.

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'System 15000 - 2nd Edition, the Acorn BBC Micro B cass.', Arcade-History/Gaming-History website, <> [accessed April 28, 2024]

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"System 15000 - 2nd Edition, the Acorn BBC Micro B cass.," Arcade-History/Gaming-History website, (accessed April 28, 2024)

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System 15000 - 2nd Edition, the Acorn BBC Micro B cass. [Internet], Arcade-History/Gaming-History website [cited April 28, 2024]. Available from:

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System 15000 - 2nd Edition, the Acorn BBC Micro B cass., (last visited April 28, 2024).

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System 15000 - 2nd Edition, the Acorn BBC Micro B cass.. Arcade-History/Gaming/History the website. April 28, 2024. Available at Accessed April 28, 2024.

 BibTeX entry
  author = {Arcade-History/Gaming-history},
  title = {System 15000 - 2nd Edition, the Acorn BBC Micro B cass.},
  year = {2024},
  url = {"\&id=262469"},
  note = {[Online; accessed April 28, 2024]}