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Fish Disk #0004

Commodore Amiga 500 disk published 38 years ago by Fish, Fred

Not listed in MAME yet

Fish Disk #0004 © 1986 Fish, Fred


banner: Prints horizontal banner (across screen). From DecusC distribution of several years ago.

bgrep: Another grep like utility, also using the Boyer-Moorealgorithm.

bison: A replacement for unix 'yacc' command. This is fromthe GNU (GNU is Not Unix) effort, and was obtained from the Free Software Foundation. Compiles and links (with some effort) but currently crashes themachine. Needs work, but will probably be worth it.

bm: A grep like utility using the Boyer-Moore algorithm.

grep: Decus grep (Get Regular Expression and Print). Usefulfor finding strings in files.

kermit: This is an absolutely ancient kermit, who's onlysaving grace is that it is small and quite portable. On the AMIGA, there is no connect mode, only send and receive. You must log into the remote machine viaone of it's local terminals and point it's kermit at the appropriate serial line connected to the AMIGA.

MyCLI: Another CLI for the AMIGA.

mandel: A Mandelbrot set program.


PD's disk.