Beyond Oasis © 1995 Sega Enterprises, Limited.
North American release. Game developed in Japan. See "The Story of Thor - Hikari o Tsugumono [Model G-5543]" for more information about the game itself.
Description from the back cover:
On the mystical island of Oasis, Prince Ali embarks on a crusade against evil. The warrior prince must unleash the powers of the four Wild Spirits to stop the resurrection of a ruthless sorcerer and save the empire!
As Ali, you can call on the powers of the four wild spirits to battle the evil minions of Agito.
Fight off enemies with Ali's weapons, punches and kicks... or dig deeper to discover the Hidden Super Moves...a Sega first!
Flip switches, trigger plates, and use what's left of your brain to solve mind-boggling puzzles that lead to Huge Bosses... like the Fire-breathing Red Dragon!!!
Model 1354
Beyond Oasis for Genesis was released on December 8, 1994 in North America. It is known in Europe as "The Story of Thor - A Successor of the Light [Model 1354-50]", and in Japan as "The Story of Thor - Hikari o Tsugumono [Model G-5543]".
Nintendo Wii [Virtual Console] (mar.19, 2007) [Model MARE]
Sony PlayStation 3 (feb.10, 2009) "Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection [Model BLUS-30259]"
Microsoft XBOX 360 (feb.10, 2009) "Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection [Model 68034]"
PC [Steam] (may.2, 2012) "Beyond Oasis [Model 211200]" : both stand-alone and as part of "SEGA Genesis Classics Pack 5"
Game's ROM.