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Suicide Mission [Model AR-4102]

Starpath Supercharger cass. published 42 years ago by Arcadia Corp.

Listed in MAME

Suicide Mission © 1982 Arcadia Corp.

The Battleground: A growing abscess, perilously close to the human heart. An invasion of lethal virus, multiplying faster than the body's warrior leukocytes can destroy them.

Your Mission: Shrink down, down, down. Smaller than a speck of dust. Board a microscopic submarine. And navigate through the bloodstream until you encounter your deadly foes. Any volunteers?

A Million to One: Those are the odds against you. Even though you're fast, tough, and smart. You're simply outnumbered. And the enemy is tough.

The Bad Guys: Fiendish virus. Tough to kill, too. A direct hit with a penicillin torpedo divides the colony. Hit again, and they divide into creepy little virus. A third blast pulls their plugs for good.

Most of them just cruise along attacking their host's cells. But watch out for a particularly nasty number who goes straight for your throat.


Model AR-4102

Viral Colony 30 Points.
Sub Colony 60 Points.
Creepy Crawling Virus 100 Points.
Deadly Little Virus 150 Points.
Bonus Submarines
Easy One for every 20,000 Points.
Medium One for every 80,000 Points.
Hard One for every 20,000 Points.

Game's ROM.